Brass for Beginners is an innovative method utilizing the natural trumpet to teach the fundamentals of brass playing. Developed by Chris Hasselbring, faculty member at the Music Institute of Chicago, and Jack Hasselbring, Director of Instrumental Music at Holland Brook School in New Jersey, the Brass for Beginners (BFB) curriculum has been used for group and private instruction since 2007. Additionally, natural trumpets have been used as a pedagogical tool for students at intermediate and advanced levels at the Music Institute of Chicago, where natural trumpet ensembles have been formed to showcase 18th and 19th century trumpet ensemble repertoire. Click here to listen to members of the MIC Advanced Natural Trumpet Ensemble playing March for the Ark by C.P.E. Bach.

0 thoughts on “Welcome to Brass for Beginners!”
This is so cool! I remember when I was taking the bfb class five years ago at Dawes elementary. That was third grade for me. Now I’m playing the French horn, at Chute Middle School!
Thanks Momo! Can you answer a few questions for us? Do you think BFB prepared you for playing the French Horn? If so, how? What was your favorite part of taking the BFB class at Dawes? Who was your teacher?
Congratulations on launching this nice website. I look forward to its development.
Having heard these groups play several times live and also on NPR, I’m sure this method can have a profound affect on the quality of brass playing, from stunningly early ages to adults. Best wishes to your program!